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The Ranger Journals

Protecting kereru - the NZ native wood pigeon

These journals are in pdf format and are copyright to the Author.

Set in Puketi Forest around 1995.

The locals who predate kukupa here are horsemen par-excellance. They take those horses places where many others would not.

Man Trap

Takahue Saddle Road near Kaitaia. Somewhere around 1987.  

A Long Tradition

Some families have been traditionally taking the species since time in memorial. It is the methods of take that have changed  - now using modern firearms

Plucked naked

In Northland forests most poachers remove the feathers completely while still in the forest, hiding the caches of feathers under forest debris

Two once proud & beautiful kukupa. Photo - R. Atkinson

Murray Steals A Bike

Round One

Round Two

Our first encounter with Robert Milton Cassidy in1997, on Waikerikeri Road, near Horeke  

Encounter number two with Robert Milton Cassidy in 2003, this time in forest, near Horeke.

Ranger Journals

Nabbed poachers proudly display the evidence. Photo - R. Atkinson Cassidy being processed at Kaikohe Police Station. Photo - R. Atkinson Evidence used to convict Cassidy. Photo - R. Atkinson

Evidence that convicted Cassidy

Processed at Kaikohe Police Station

Cassidy is the first person in NZ to be imprisoned for killing wildlife - kereru